AST (abstract syntax tree) ========================== .. currentmodule:: pyconverter.xml2py.ast_tree An AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) is an abstract syntactic structure of text. Each node of the tree denotes a construct occurring in the XML file. Every element the AST contains can be edited using properties and functions to obtain the desired rendering. The following classes are used to create the AST: .. autosummary:: :toctree: _autosummary/ast_class BlockQuote Caution Chapter Code Command ComputerOutput Element Emphasis Entry Example Figure FileName Function Graphic GuiLabel GuiMenu GuiMenuItem IndexTerm InformalExample InformalTable InlineEquation InlineGraphic ItemizedList Link ListItem Literal Math Member Note OLink OrderedList Paragraph Phrase Primary ProgramListing Quote Refentrytitle RefMeta Refname Refnamediv Refpurpose RefSection Replaceable Row Screen SimpleList Structname SubScript SuperScript Table TBody Term TGroup THead Title UserInput Variablelist VarlistEntry XRef